Sunday, April 3, 2011

Britney Documentary: Take 2

In 2008 we got a look at Britney Spears as she prepared for her "Circus" tour and promoting her new album with the same name.  The documentary, entitled Britney: For the Record showed everyone how even after Spears' massive meltdowns and personal problems, she was still one of the most popular and sought after celebrities.  Tonight, Britney's new documentary will premiere on MTV called Britney Spears: I am the Femme Fatale.

I didn't hear about the new documentary until about two days ago when I saw it being promoted on MTV.  With the new documentary being premiered tonight, I have to wonder why?  Why do another documentary? Why have it shown not even a week after her seventh album debuted?  Why should we watch?

Obviously I don't have concrete answers to these questions but I will make an attempt to answer them using my wide range of entertainment and Britney Spears knowledge.

First of all, why would Britney decide to do another documentary?  I have a few possibly ideas to answer this question.  First, Britney is still trying to prove to the world she is "back."  I don't think we will ever see the Britney from the early 2000's.  I also don't think that people will ever look at her the same again after all of the drama and problems from years before.  If Britney really wanted to prove to everyone she was back she would have made her Good Morning America performance live, she would not have lip sang, and she would have danced like she did in ...Baby One More Time.  I am not entirely convinced people are going to tune into this documentary like they did for the first one because she has not proved anything to her loyal fans (me included). 

Why have the documentary premiere not even a week after "Femme Fatale" debuted?  This is obvious to anyone who took a marketing or public relations class.  Britney's people are hoping that after fans watch this documentary they will buy her album and buy tickets to her upcoming tour (by the way, she's NOT coming to Pittsburgh =[ ).  They are also hoping that this documentary will give fans an "inside" look into Britney's life.  This is highly doubtful considering even her live performances and interviews have to be recorded then approved by Britney's people.  Clearly, there is something we are not supposed to know about in her life. 

Why should we watch?  This is simple, we should watch because critics are already raving that this is Spear's best album yet, which if it is, you're going to want to see everything leading up to her tour.  Basically, Spear's 2009 "Circus" tour was the best selling tour of 2009.  Britney: For the Record premiered before the tour and showed people what they wanted to see.  They wanted to see Spears make music videos, perform, and her personal life.  If it worked for the first documentary, why not try it again?

Britney Spears: I am the Femme Fatale premieres April 3 at 9 p.m. on MTV.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring! =] (hopefully)

The hottest songs and shows can warm you up while you wait for spring to finally arrive.  Below are a few of my choices for what s hot in TV and music right now. 
With April right around the corner, it's time to start considering what songs you are going to let flow through your open windows into the warm air.  I have come up with a few suggestions for who I think will rule the spring and maybe even the summer. 

Katy Perry, ET, I think is going to be one of the hottest songs to be played on the radio.  Anything that has come off Katy's new album has been hot, so why should this song be any different?

Britney Spears, Till the World Ends, is a fun club song to get you dancing while you cruise the road with your sunglasses on.

I also think when Lady Gaga's new album hits stores in May, Katy and Britney will have some competition.  So far though, I think these ladies are going to have a hot summer.

On the small screen, I think Pretty Little Liars is the hottest, freshest new show.  Not only is the storyline scandalous, the couples on the show are adorable.  I can't decide between English teacher Mr. Fitz and Aria or Hanna and Caleb.  Check PLL out and see who you are rooting for. 

I have also been completely obsessed with The Vampire Diaries.  Even if you don't like Twilight, you should tune in to see how one cast could have so many hot guys.  There is also the classic love triangle between brothers Stefan and Damon with good girl Elena.  I'm team Delena for a few reasons.  I think Elena tames Damon while Damon lets Elena act out.  I also love how the two of them interact.  I also can't help myself but to adore a couple who may be together in real life. <3

Ig teen shows are not your thing, Bones is an awesome change to crime scene dramas.  The chemistry between Booth and Bones and incredible and you will be addicted instantly not only to this couple, but to the other couples on the show as well.

I have given you plenty of options to warm up as spring heads towards us.  Tell me what you think you are most likely to watch!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cheerleading can Entertain You!

Anyone who knows me personally knows I am OBSESSED with cheerleading.  Not the sideline kind where you do some cheers on a Friday night (even though I did LOVE doing this in high school), I am talking about allstar cheelrading.  Two minutes and thirty seconds of intense stunts, tumbling, dancing and attitude.  Now what does all of this have to do with entertainment you ask?  Well, I was on looking around my fave cheer message board today,, when I came across information that the channel Lifetime, usually known for sappy movies, will have a new reality show premiere April 5 featuring an allstar team I know pretty well the Central Jersey Allstars (CJA).  The show will be called Jersey Cheer and comes a few years after Lifetime followed Dunbar High School cheerleaders from Alabama in a show called Cheerleader Nation (a personal favorite of mine), that only lasted one season.  The show followed the varsity cheerleading squad as the competed for another national championship.  Here's a clip from episode 1 of Cheerleader Nation.

I'm hoping Jersey Cheer lasts longer than Cheerleader Nation, but the news got me thinking of another cheerleading show I watch on the CW called Hellcats which is based on college cheerleading.  In case you have not seen the show, it's about more than just cheerleading, with a love triangle, friendships, and the obstacles of trying to get respect for their sport, (it is a sport, it's shown on ESPN).  Anyways, here's a clip of my favorite couple Dan and Marti who are best friends, secretly crushing on each other.

Martie is played by Aly Michalka, from the the duo Aly and AJ (her sister), who used to be shown on the Disney channel all of the time.  Another Disney darling stars in the series, Ashley Tisdale from High School Musical plays sweet, southern Savannah, Hellcats team captain.  This show is addicting, even if you are not particularly a fan of cheerleading, the story lines are awesome.  If you are a cheerleader or are a fan, some of the story lines including team dynamics and hard work are relateable. 

Back to Jersey Cheer though, not much information has been released but what is known is that the cameras will follow CJA throughout their competitive season.  Here's to hoping this show is a success, lasts longer than one season, and shows people cheerleading is athletic and very entertaining.  Just so you can have a little taste of CJA, here is their small senior level 5 team.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bring Back My Favs!

Everyone has that show or shows they wish were never canceled.  That show that you could just NEVER miss and when it ended you may have shed a tear or two. Since I was snowed in this morning, I watched one my all time favorites, The Hills.  Being the TV-addict that I am, The Hills is not the only show that I miss dearly.  Take a look at my fav shows that I wish would have NEVER ended.

The Hills

Before the drama that Heidi and Spencer brought to everyones lives, cameras followed these four girls around LA, filming them at work, on dates, at the club and at home.  Lauren Conrad (LC) moved to LA after two seasons on MTV's Laguna Beach to fulfill her dream of being a fashion designer.  The reason I still love this show is not only because I love Brody Jenner (<3), but also because of what the show started out as.  The Hills showed young girls trying to make it on their own in a big city where they knew nobody.  I'm not going to lie, I think every girl or guy dreams of moving to the city away from everything they are comfortable with.  I also love Lauren because of how genuine of a person she is and in my opinion, the reason the show ended so soon after her departure was because that "realness" was gone.  I have nothing against KCav, she was actually my favorite on Laguna Beach, but she brought a different element to the show that I think it already had, drama. 

Laguna Beach
Seasons 1 and 2

The original love of my life, Laguna Beach was one of my favorite shows ever.  I think the show was so appealing because these kids were in high school, living lives that kids in high school everywhere else in America could only dream of.  It also had the typical formula for drama with a love triangle, best friends, parties, and the beach.  I remember the topics of conversation being Team Kristin or Team LC when it came to the love triangle involving resident hottie Stephen.  Season 1 focused on the love triangle of Kristin, LC, and Stephen while season 2 focused on Krisitn living up her senior year after breaking up with Stephen.  The show was basically a real life soap opera and it's appeal was the fact that it was called reality, making teens everywhere think living this kind of life was possible.

By the way, I know there was a Laguna Beach season 3, but with all of the originals gone, it was nothing compared to seasons 1 and 2.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I have to admit I did not watch Buffy until it was assigned in my Popular Texts class.  After watching season1 though, Buffy became an obsession of mine.  To me, it is the original vampire love story.  It has drama, romance, comedy and a girl as a hero.  It's addicting because of the on again, off again romances of Buffy with vampires and her ability to keep saving the world with the help of her friends.  The comedy factor of Spike and Xander is genius. The romance of Buffy and Angel and Buffy and Spike is as addicting as current day Edward and Bella.  Watch the video to experience the epicness of Buffy and Angel's romance.


What do you think of my list?  Leave comments below and include YOUR favs!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oops, Did She do it Again?

If you haven't noticed a certain princess of pop is trying to keep her crown. With competition such as Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, a girl has got to do something right?

Britney Spears released her new video this week for her single "Hold it Against Me."  I didn't know what to expect at first and I am still kind of confused, but I will say Britney looks awesome!  There were rumors flying around this video that a fill-in was used for the dance sequences because spears couldn't keep.  I have to say, I don't believe it.  The dancing being done in the video looks to be 100% Britney Spears.

Now to the message of the video.  When I went to watch the video, I thought I would see some music video shot in a club with Spears and a smoking hot guy and maybe a few dance moves.  What I did not expect to see was Spears seeming to fight herself (watch the video to see what I mean) and the opinions of everyone else.  Throughout the video as well, there are a few shots from old music videos of hers shown in little flashes.  Thinking this through with Spears fighting herself, I think we are getting the message that Spears is moving on from the drama filled, rehab visiting, head shaving persona that we knew four years ago, back to the strong pop artist that we fell in love with when she was singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time." 

Half way through the video I thought to myself, what in the world is going on.  But after watching the entire video and thinking through the little hints thrown at the viewer, I think Spears is asking us not to hold her antics from the past against her.  Even when she shaved her head I was a fan, why wouldn't I be now?

The video is awesome.  Probably one of my favorites.  Check it out! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's missing from this season of Glee?

Glee has been one of my favorite shows since I started watching season one, episode two of the hit Fox show.  I loved season one because of the song choices, the relationships, and Sue's remarks about Mr. Shu's hair.  While watching the episode on 2/16 though, I found a few things that were bothering me about the new season. 

First, I understand Rachel is trying to make a come back to the diva and star she was at McKinnley last year, but I feel this act is too forced and I don't like the character as much.  I think the old Rachel would have gotten back to her old self by captivating everyone with some great Broadway number.  I never would have guessed she would try to return by paying Brittany to get people to dress like her and think she is fashion savvy. 

Second, Kurt wasn't even in last nights episode and when he is one screen, I feel like he is not on as much as he used to be.  I love his storyline with Blaine but I would love to see more duets between these too, or even a solo from Kurt like season one. In my opinion, MHS needs their "divo" back. 

Third, I'm having a really hard time trying to accept Finn and Quinn as back on again.  I loved Quinn with Sam, not just because I think Sam is the cutest thing ever, but because I feel like they have more chemistry than Q & F.  Sam took the time to get to know Quinn when he arrived at MHS and I think they really grew into a strong couple.  Finn, on the other hand, has done a complete 180 of personality from season one.  I think since they won the big game he thinks he's a gift to the Earth, which is not the guy I would pick for Quinn to be with at the moment.  If Quinn and Finn were the same innocent characters from before the drama of her pregnancy with Puck, I feel like I could like this couple.  I just think they have grown into different people and the coupling of them is not appealing to watch. 

Something I have enjoyed this season though is the music!  I loved Sam's cover of "Baby" and "Teenage Dream" was amazing!  I can only hope they keep doing awesome covers to save me from the depression of breaking up Sam and Quinn and the absence of Kurt. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm a Belieber!

On Friday February 11, I went and viewed the new Justin Bieber documentary Never Say Never.  I saw it in regular 2D but I'm definitely going to go back to see it in 3D!  You may be wondering why a 21 year old college student would go see a movie about a 16 year old pop sensation.  I'll tell you why.  I'm always rooting for the underdog and I think this movie is the epitome of the underdogs (the even use the term "underdog" a few times in the film =]).  Anyways, when Britney Spears had her meltdown, I still considered myself a loyal fan even though the world could not wait to see how she would embarrass her self next. 

Justin Bieber's main followers are tween aged or teenage girls.  Most guys refuse to even acknowledge the Biebs or make fun of him which I think is completely ridiculous.  The kid has major talent and it is shown in the film.  He never gave up (hence the title of the film), and did the incredible by selling Madison Square Garden out in 22 minutes, which is incredible because he really did not hit the music scene until 2009.  Let me go back to my underdog statement by saying this kid really had to gain respect for people to even notice him.  In the movie, record labels believed there was not a platform for him and Usher (who the Beibs now considers his "big brother") shut the JB down when he first tried to sing for him.  And not only is he awesome with his music, he genuinely cares about his fans.  When faced with the prospect of having to cancel a show in Syracuse because of infected vocal cords, the Beibs is more upset about having to postpone the show, rather than his infected throat.  I think this kid is going to be around for years to come, especially because of how large his fan base is and because of how much he actually loves performing.  Check the movie out and you may become a belieber too! =]

Here's Never Say, Never the song <3 Just because I love it!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Kardashians return and Does Sammi leave the Jersey Shore?

Last Sunday marked the return of the Kardashians with the season premier of Kourtney and Kim take New York, another Kardashian spin off.  The show ruled Sunday night cable ratings with 3 million viewers according to  But will it be as hot as Kourtney and Khole take Miami?  After watching the first episode, I'm going to say no.  I like the show, I'm not going to lie, but I feel like when one of the Kardashian sisters is missing, the show is missing something in general, especially since it's Khole that isn't present on the show.  Khole is like the comedy part of the Kardashians for me while Kourtney is being a mom/wife and Kim is awkwardly trying to date I have little to laugh about.  I'll still tune in every Sunday because I love the Kardashians but in the mean time, I'll patiently be waiting for the return of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Every week I think there is no possible way that the Jersey Shore will be funnier than last week.  I have yet to be correct about this thought.  This past Thursday's episode was particularly funny between the premier of the "Grenade Whistle," Pauly and Mike's facial expressions when the whistle is being sounded and Vinny inviting Sammi and Ron to Ryder's Birthday before Sammi punches Ron in the face.  When I try to explain to my Dad why I watch this show, I have realized I do not come up with a better answer than because it's funny.  I mean truly I don't tune in for the story lines (is there any on this show?) or the amazing camera work, I watch this show every Thursday with missing one episode because it is hilarious. 

Back to the show though, if you haven't watched yet and you don't want to know what happened, do not keep reading! =]

I think MTV had everyone fooled  this week because by the looks of the promo, Sammi was going home.  But, after punching Ron in the face for being friends with Jenni, and realizing how psychotic she has been acting lately (I mean who can really blame her after what happened in Miami?) she apologizes to Ron and Jenni.  It looks like the family is back together, how cute! =]

Friday, January 28, 2011

Good-Bye Jersey, Hello ITALY?!

In case you missed the big announcement by MTV this week, Jersey Shore season four will be taped in Italy!
Jersey Shore has been dominating cable TV ratings so it's not a surprise that the network would pick it up for a fourth season, but to head across the world to the land of their ancestors was a pretty big surprise.  MTV caught up with Pauly D, the Shore's resident DJ and he stated he felt "nervous" because he's not familiar with the language, gym or tanning of Italy.
The fourth season of Jersey Shore will start filming in the Spring and air sometime later this year according to MTV. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why follow reality with me?

Hi everyone!
It seems these days you can't turn the TV on without seeing at least one reality show right?  Well I'm here to tell you why YOU should tune in every week to some of TVs guiltiest pleasures. 

Remember the days of Laguna Beach?  That's where my love for reality TV first began and a big reason as to why I tune into MTV and E! every week to see what the new pop culture phenomenon of the week is.  Who would have ever thought shows like the Jersey Shore and Teen Mom would not only boast some of MTV's highest ratings but also give people someone new to obsess about or follow on Twitter?  I'll be here every week to tell you what you missed and why you should or shouldn't catch the next episode! 

I'll be following shows such as The Bachelor, Teen Mom 2, Kourtney and Kim take New York and the Jersey Shore besides maybe a few new shows I'll test out from time to time.  Don't forget to check back everyone!