Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm a Belieber!

On Friday February 11, I went and viewed the new Justin Bieber documentary Never Say Never.  I saw it in regular 2D but I'm definitely going to go back to see it in 3D!  You may be wondering why a 21 year old college student would go see a movie about a 16 year old pop sensation.  I'll tell you why.  I'm always rooting for the underdog and I think this movie is the epitome of the underdogs (the even use the term "underdog" a few times in the film =]).  Anyways, when Britney Spears had her meltdown, I still considered myself a loyal fan even though the world could not wait to see how she would embarrass her self next. 

Justin Bieber's main followers are tween aged or teenage girls.  Most guys refuse to even acknowledge the Biebs or make fun of him which I think is completely ridiculous.  The kid has major talent and it is shown in the film.  He never gave up (hence the title of the film), and did the incredible by selling Madison Square Garden out in 22 minutes, which is incredible because he really did not hit the music scene until 2009.  Let me go back to my underdog statement by saying this kid really had to gain respect for people to even notice him.  In the movie, record labels believed there was not a platform for him and Usher (who the Beibs now considers his "big brother") shut the JB down when he first tried to sing for him.  And not only is he awesome with his music, he genuinely cares about his fans.  When faced with the prospect of having to cancel a show in Syracuse because of infected vocal cords, the Beibs is more upset about having to postpone the show, rather than his infected throat.  I think this kid is going to be around for years to come, especially because of how large his fan base is and because of how much he actually loves performing.  Check the movie out and you may become a belieber too! =]

Here's Never Say, Never the song <3 Just because I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining Bieber Fever. I still don't understand it, but thanks. Adding the link was a nice touch. Be sure to proof before posting. You're missing a comma or two.

    Dr C
